Hi my name is Chris Walker. I am the marketing manager for Thai Son S.P sewing factory based in Ho Chi Minh city Vietnam. I would like to talk about: BSCI? There are many BSCI certified clothing manufacturers in Vietnam like Nha Be, Thanh Cong, and Phong Phu. Let’s start with defining BSCI.

What is BSCI? It is an organization that promotes a code of conduct. That code has 11 principles to protect workers. BSCI Certified Clothing Manufacturers in Vietnam follow the 11 core labour rights in their factories and within their supply chains. BSCI stands for: Business Social Compliance Initiative.
BSCI, WRAP and SA 8000 certifications are very similar and aimed at achieving the same goal. So, BSCI Certified Clothing Manufacturers in Vietnam certainly meet the standards of the other certifications. This is the case with Thai Son S.P sewing factory.
We are SA 8000 certified and if needed can pass inspections for BSCI and WRAP. Here are some specific practices we implement in our factory to comply with corporate social responsibility requirements. We strive to be a BSCI Certified Clothing Manufacturers in Vietnam.
Safety is an important principle in BSCI. Thai Son implements the following safety practices. All emergency exits are available at all times. All fire distinguishers are available at all times. All electric systems inside factory must be safe. SA8000 staff and our in-house electrician check them periodically. No electricity is available inside the factory after working hours. Only emergency lighting is on using separate electricity line when the factory is closed. BSCI Certified Clothing Manufacturers in Vietnam need to implement measures like these to qualify.
Thai Son has the following two options to allow workers to complain to management? Workers can talk directly to the factory manager or submit a written notice by letterbox at private places with no supervision. Other BSCI Certified Clothing Manufacturers in Vietnam have similar procedures.
When workers break rules like smoking or being late… Thai Son disciplines the workers to change their behavior by issuing warnings three times before termination.
Thai Son follows the national law by working 8 hours / day, more than that is overtime. Starting salary is 160 USD/month. The average salary is 300 USD/month. The overtime multipliers are 1.5 for normal overtime, 2.0 for Sunday, and 3.0 for National holiday. BSCI Certified Clothing Manufacturers in Vietnam have the same multipliers.
These are some of the actions we take to meet CSR requirements. BSCI is one of many CSR certifications. Thai Son S.P garment factory is one of many CSR compliant factories in Vietnam. If need be, we can be one of BSCI Certified Clothing Manufacturers in Vietnam.
Thanks for listening. Please post any feedback or questions about BSCI certified clothing manufacturer in Vietnam in the comment section below. Have a great day.
Latest News: Vietnam’s textile industry does not gain much from TPP, is it true?
Representatives of several textile and garment companies in Vietnam have rejected popular perception that they would be the biggest beneficiaries of the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) Agreement.
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