Hi my name is Sim Thai. I am the Director for Thai Son S.P sewing factory based in Ho Chi Minh city Vietnam. I would like to talk about: What is WRAP? There are many WRAP certified clothing manufacturers in Vietnam like Nha Be, Thanh Cong, and Phong Phu. Thai Son is also a CSR compliant factory. At this time Thai Son is not WRAP certified.
We are SA 8000 certified. Let’s start with defining WRAP.

WRAP is an independent, objective, non-profit team of global social compliance experts dedicated to promoting safe, lawful, humane and ethical manufacturing around the world through certification and education. It stands for Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production. WRAP certified clothing manufacturers in Vietnam follow this definition.
WRAP, BSCI, and SA 8000 certifications are very similar and aimed at achieving the same goal. So, if a factory is WRAP certified then it certainly meets the standards of the other certifications. This is the case with Thai Son S.P sewing factory.We are SA 8000 certified and if needed can pass inspections for BSCI and WRAP. We are not a WRAP certified clothing manufacturers in Vietnam but we can apply for certification and upgrade our factory if needed. In fact, we are SA 8000 certified which is on par with WRAP. We just never got tested for WRAP certification because it is expensive and our customers are happy with our factory the way it is.
Here are some specific practices we implement in our factory to comply with corporate social responsibility.
In Vietnam the child labour law stipulates that children less than 15 years of age are not allowed to work for private, corporate or government companies. In Thai Son we follow the SA 8000 rule which is we only have workers greater than or equal to 16 years old. This would qualify us as a WRAP certified clothing manufacturers in Vietnam.
Thai Son would be happy to apply to be one of a hundred WRAP certified clothing manufacturers in Vietnam. Thai Son does not force workers to work overtime. Overtime is voluntary and workers cannot exceed 300 hours / year. In fact, workers like to have overtime in order to make more money. If we don’t have enough work to offer overtime then workers will leave and go to another WRAP certified clothing manufacturer in Vietnam that does offer a lot of overtime.
Regarding WRAP certified clothing manufacturers in Vietnam, health conditions in toilets, offices and canteen, WRAP certification staff inspect these areas each year and our own internal management team inspects and cleans these areas on a daily basis. Trash cans are emptied daily. Floors are swept and mopped daily. Toilets are cleaned daily. Soap dispensers and cleaning supplies are restocked on a weekly basis.
These are some of the actions we take to meet CSR requirements. WRAP is one of many CSR certifications. We are not WRAP certified, we are SA 8000 certified. Thai Son S.P garment factory is one of many CSR compliant factories in Vietnam.
Please post any feedback or questions about WRAP certified clothing manufacturer in Vietnam in the comment section below. Have a great day.