Hi, my name is Chris and I work with Thai Son sewing factory. Allow me to explain what MOQ stands for. It’s an acronym for minimum order quantity.
A typical MOQ in Vietnam is 1,000 pieces per color per style per color. Is that a lot for you? There are factories that are flexible on MOQ because they understand that high MOQ means high risk. So, why do factories in Vietnam have such high minimums? The Vietnam mindset is to produce high quantities at a low price. Even if you offer to pay more the money they have to spend up front to make samples and get your approval is the same for 100 pieces, 1,000 pieces or 100,000 pieces. Factories can spend $1,000 just making samples and getting your final approval. If you only order 100 pieces they will lose money.

Thai Son can make 500-1,000 pieces per color per style but they need your support to combine fabric together. And they need your support to approve samples quickly. Basically they break even on small quantities and hope that at least one style will have a high quantity which is where they will make good money.
More MOQ Considerations
Size breakdown (number of sizes per style) does not really matter. The factory will produce whatever quantities of sizes you need.
Fabric MOQ. Fabric MOQ mostly depends on the MOQ of the fabric dyeing houses. The circular knitted fabric dyeing house impose their minimums on us per colour, so if we order less fabric than their minimum they charge us extra which we have to pass on to our customers. Dyeing houses for knitted fabric in Vietnam have their minimums for fabric production. They are equipped with 300kg dyeing vats which can dye around 1,000 meters of fabric. If you use less than 1,000 meters, the order will not use up all the fabric yet you still have to buy all the fabric.
Artwork MOQs the quantity of appliqué, screen print or embroidery also need to meet the MOQs. For example, most screen printing factories have MOQ of 1,000.
All-Over-Print MOQ Another weakness of the Vietnam garment industry capacity is the all-over-print MOQ. The average MOQ is ~ 2,000 meters per color way.
1,000 pieces MOQ is rather small for the Vietnam garment industry capacity. Any factory that does less is a mom and pop operation and you need to proceed with caution. I recommend you be in Vietnam during production and monitor production closely. Most reputable factories in Vietnam have MOQ greater than 1,000 pieces per color per style.
What is the Vietnam garment industry capacity?
Vietnam consumes some 400,000 mt of cotton annually — with 35 percent of that total imported from the United States, 32 percent from India and 19 percent from South Africa.
In 2010, 3,656,756 ring spindles and 104,348 rotors were installed in Vietnam. Total yarn production capacity was 514,000 mt per year, primarily for 100-percent cotton yarn. Domestic consumption accounted for 34.7 percent of the yarn produced. Woven fabric capacity in 2010 was 680 million square meters (m2). The available production capacities and imports of these and other textile products are shown in Table 2.